Breed Trophies

Breed Trophies for our 2025 Show - Deadline is March 15, 2025

You may enter your trophies for Friday, Sunday or both days. You may sponsor trophies for a different breed for each day, but if you have trophies for more than one breed each day you'll need to submit another form.

You may pay by PayPal when you submit the form or by check at a meeting, at the show, or by mail.

(*)=Required - Be sure to complete all items marked(*) 

Select which day(s) before entering other info. 

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Enter your trophy info for the Friday, July 25th show

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If you will be giving a trophy that you have purchased, or made (example-leash, food bowl, gift basket, etc.) enter the description below. OR, you may just enter the value of the trophy for your breed (example- Labrador Retriever $30 value)

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VENDOR BUCKS: (FRIDAY ONLY) The VENDOR BUCKS are only good for the show and can not be used after 12pm on Sunday.

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ROSETTES 12” triple streamer rosette(s) for the breed placement(s) checked below. Each rosette is $6.00

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Please scroll to the top of the page after pressing "Continue">

Enter your trophy info for the Sunday, July 27th show

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If you will be giving a trophy that you have purchased, or made (example-leash, food bowl, gift basket, etc.) enter the description below. OR, you may just enter the value of the trophy for your breed (example- Labrador Retriever $30 value)

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ROSETTES 12” triple streamer rosette(s) for the breed placement(s) checked below. Each rosette is $6.00

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After you press submit you will be directed to PayPal for your payment.
If you are unable to complete the PayPal transaction, please pay by check at a meeting, show or by mail.