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President: Debbi Kaplan Vice President: Ron Jacobson Corresponding Secretary: Sharon Smith Recording Secretary: Mary Roddy Treasurer: Anna Hillman Delegate to the AKC: Bob VandiverDirectors at large: Kris Harner Nancy Koenigsmann Tony Childs
Show: Mary Roddy Judges Selection: Kari Hill Flowers/Special Events: Sharon Smith Obedience/Rally: Lou Ann McGahey Specialties: Sue Dwelly Trophy: Sharon Smith Vendors: Beverly Crosby Volunteer Coordinator: Jeanette Stribling
Match: TBD Secretary: Gloria AskinsAKC Fit Dog: Tamara McElyeaAnnual Title Awards: Maureen McKowen Club Hospitality: Nancy Koenigsmann Education: Dan DunhamFinance: Ken Spiegel Historian: Ken WalkerJuniors/4H: Meghann MooreLaw Enforcement Liaison: Bob Vandiver Legislation: Tina BolingerMembership: Celine TepedinoNewsletter: Ken WalkerPrograms: Beverly Childs Publicity: Meg PeiferRDO Day: Maureen McKowen Social Media: Ashlyn Navis Sunshine: Lisa JumperTraining Coordinator: Cheri and Dan DunhamWebsite: Ken Spiegel
Our Mailing Address:Greenville Kennel ClubP.O. Box 5029Greenville, SC 29606-5029